On Fri, Jan 07, 2011 at 08:09:40PM +0100, Marco Padovan wrote:
> 20 minutes later:
> Chain QUERYLIMIT (4 references)
>      pkts      bytes target     prot opt in     out   source               
> destination
>    396253 20611768 ACCEPT     all  --  *      *            
>           limit: avg 15/sec burst 5 mode dstport
>     50483  2675483 DROP       all  --  *      *            

If the number of dropped packets keeps rising slowly here, 
you are probably dropping legitimate queries. Maybe the limit 
is a bit too low then. Also consider using a larger burst.
The burst will allow short, random spikes, but under actual 
and constant DoS, the limit will still be respected, same as 
without burst.

I'd try limit 20 burst 40 here and see how that goes. You can 
be generous with burst as it will vanish completely during 
a DoS attack anyhow (and it will take 40 below-limit seconds 
to recharge).

> another box of ours that generally suffer a lot of is now reporting:
> Chain QUERYLIMIT (4 references)
>      pkts      bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               
> destination
>    333352 16966756 ACCEPT     all  --  *      *            
>           limit: avg 15/sec burst 5 mode dstport
>    563098 29844034 DROP       all  --  *      *            

drop >> accept is to be expected during a DoS attack.

> nobody complained yet... so looks like its holding :)

Test it yourself - see if you can get a complete server 
list using the standard steam server browser. If half 
of your servers are missing there most of the time 
(while there is NO DoS going on), chances are your 
limit is too low.


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