I gave that link in one of my responses.

On 8/21/2012 4:03 PM, dreamde...@dsrclan.com wrote:
I'll retract my bit about not being able to find it as the continued search
found it listed under the wiki but absent in other places.


So others don't have to waste time looking for the link and information.

On August 21, 2012 at 4:01 PM "dreamde...@dsrclan.com" <dreamde...@dsrclan.com>

So what are the advantages of SteamCMD for linux? Does InterWave's site have
necessary changes listed somewhere, or Valve, so that I can WASTE TIME and
re-setup my server? I ask because I've already checked and there is zero
documentation on the changes.

I'm glad the environment I have here locally doesn't require change management
or dedicated maintenance windows because Valve seems to be jacking everyone
these days.  I feel bad for the GSP's with the additional overhead they are
having to incur with all the pushes as of late.

As a side note, SteamCMD leaves a lot to be desired for a command line
perspective.  Registering a server is one thing but if you do it from your
account, every time the server updates you will be knocked off of steam.  It's
either that or create multiple accounts and multiple scriptlets to manage your
servers.  This is NOT efficient.

With the amount of money that I've spent with Valve personally, it's tempting
tell them to take a flying leap and close my account.  Their reliability for
item servers, cloud and now servers has diminished over the last year to an
unreliable level.  Daily patching which breaks servers consistently is not
acceptable.  unpublished changes are not acceptable.  Thats as bad as not
input validation when writing a program or website! It's also as bad as lazy
programming where the mentality of not writing streamlined, efficient, modular
code used to be prevalent.

Today's Topics:

    1. Re: Mandatory TF2 update released (martin v)
    2. Re: Nuclear Dawn Issue (Rudy Bleeker)
    3. Re: Nuclear Dawn Issue (Nicholas Hastings)
    4. Re: Mandatory TF2 update released (doc)
    5. Re: Mandatory TF2 update released (Essay Tew Phaun)
    6. Re: Mandatory TF2 update released (Frank)
    7. Re: Mandatory TF2 update released (Michael Ojeda)


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 21:12:11 +0200
From: Rudy Bleeker <rblee...@gmail.com>
To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Nuclear Dawn Issue
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Nicholas, do you mean to say Nuclear Dawn will be removed from the
hldsupdatetool, and on Linux too? It would be a shame since I'm
running a Nuclear Dawn server but still don't like steamcmd very much.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 8:49 PM, Nicholas Hastings
<nicho...@interwavestudios.com> wrote:
We've contacted Valve. It should be removed from the hldsupdatetool list
shortly to avoid future confusion.

On 8/21/2012 2:14 PM, Nicholas Hastings wrote:
That is the issue.

-verify_all and -autoupdate are still using hldsupdatetool until you
download the newer server version with steamcmd. After that, you will
the updated srcds_run script that utilizes steamcmd for future updating.

On 8/21/2012 2:10 PM, dreamde...@dsrclan.com wrote:

Even if that is the issue, -verify_all combined with -autoupdate forces
of all files on the server which shows return codes of being fully up to
   So either way, it's something valve needs to look at and resolve since
their master servers complaining about it not being up to date.

On August 21, 2012 at 2:04 PM Cameron Munroe <cmun...@cameronmunroe.com>

Sometimes the patch doesn't get applied.

Sent from my android device.

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Nicholas Hastings
AlliedMods.net <http://www.alliedmods.net>
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