What? This option is actually enabled by default?

This is actually going to be really bad for us, I started hosting TF2 servers 
about two years ago. Since then our
community has grown a lot, but not enough to keep stable player counts on our 
servers when compared to a lot
older communities/servers. The quickplay has been a god-send for us, we have a 
large enough community to get
the quickplay going, so it has saved our servers. Now without it, I fear that 
our servers are pretty much going
to die because of this.

Didn't the quickplay option at one point send players by default to Valve 
servers if they had low playtime in TF2?
Was it removed or is it still there? I don't mind having the players an option 
to enable this, but being that it is
enabled by default, it really brings a major problem to small and new 

When I started playing TF2, I absolutely hated those modded servers, so my goal 
has always to run servers as
Vanilla and have a friendly and relaxing atmosphere. Just yesterday a player 
told me that this is the best server
she has played on and that makes it all worthwhile to host these servers. Now 
this is the first time I actually fear
that our servers are done for.

- Miika
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