Ironically, my server over there was configured in English.  Of
course, many of the games (TF2) have multi-language support, as does
SourceMod I believe.  But, I never really had to or try to customize
anything in any way to target other languages over there.

Regarding the hosting providers, most of them have English versions of
their web-sites.  This is especially true of those hosting in Hong
Kong - presumably due to being a former colony.   Also, many of the
hosting providers are actually European companies, that just happen to
have extended their services to that region.  So, those typically have
multi-language control panels and such, which (as far as I have seen)
always include English along with whatever that company's primary
language might be (German, or example).

I never encountered any language difficulties.

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 5:18 PM, Aaron Thompson <> wrote:
> Thanks, bro! Will check into this. But...English?
> Sincerely,
> Aaron
> On Jan 31, 2014 7:16 PM, "Weasels Lair" <> wrote:
>> I recently had to shut-down my Asia / Pacific region TF2 server - that
>> was formerly hosted in Hong Kong.
>> I had an issue with my hosting provider - either with their
>> infrastructure not being able to handle the network traffic, or there
>> inability to find and clean-out DoS-related endpoints (either sources
>> or targets) on their network.  In either event, the end-result is that
>> I am no longer hosting a TF2 server in that region.
>> There seem to be TF2 players over there that are under-serviced, and
>> down-right hungry for non-Vanilla/non-stock TF2 servers.   During most
>> of the time I had the server running in Hong Kong, it was getting
>> TWICE as many player-visits as it's North America equivalent.
>> So, there seems to be a "supply-and-demand" thing going-on in that
>> region, where there are lots of players, but few good servers for
>> them.
>> I know there are lots of multi-server game-communities out there on
>> the Internet(s).  So, what I am suggesting to you, is that you
>> consider putting-up a TF2 server somewhere in that region.  It would
>> not necessarily have to be in Hong Kong specifically - just somewhere
>> in that region.  I had players from ALL over that region - but had the
>> most "active" return/regular players from Hong Kong, Korea, China,
>> Taiwan and Japan.
>> Apparently (based on what I seen in my HLStatsX:CE pages), I was
>> attacking players allow-over that region, including:
>> 1,977 Players =  Hong Kong
>> 1,238 Players =  Korea (South - "presumably")
>> 1,211 Players =  Russian Federation (some of this might be to my N.A.
>> server)
>> 347 Players =  China
>> 276 Players =  Thailand
>> 237 Players =  Taiwan
>> 183 Players =  Kazakhstan
>> 176 Players =  Viet Nam
>> 138 Players =  Singapore
>> 124 Players =  Sweden
>> 90 Players =  Philippines
>> 89 Players =  Japan
>> 86 Players =  Macau
>> 77 Players =  Indonesia
>> 66 Players =  Malaysia
>> 57 Players =  Australia
>> 44 Players =  India
>> 34 Players =  Mongolia
>> 12 Players =  Cambodia
>> 10 Players =  New Zealand
>> Anyway, I thought this would be both an opportunity for some community
>> to expand, and for the players over there (among whom are obviously my
>> ex-players) to have some decent servers available for them.
>> Take it or leave it as you will, this is all just FYI/suggestion.
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