If anyone out there is using my script, you will want to grab the new version. I discovered an ugly bug that was causing the wrong servers to be shut down during an update. Basically, it was shutting down ALL servers, instead of just servers belonging to a particular game type. Then, it wasn't restarting them after the update. Other bug fixes and improvements too.

On 3/19/14, 23:43, Jesse Molina wrote:

Below is a srcds manager script that I've been using for awhile now to take care of my srcds installations. I figure someone else might find it useful.

It is a bash script. Linux only, no Windows.

wrench script

80a423123f6c3f638004e9ae68e5eb23 wrench.sh

Readme file

Sample DB

Download like so:

wget http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=CS81FnF9 -O wrench.sh
wget http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=mHWJm62R -O wrench_README.txt

Notable features:

Does starts, stops, restarts, updates, etc.

Symlinked installs and a single master installation for each game type.

Automatic updates for all installed srcds server types.

Uses tmux instead of screen.

Keeps config info in a little SQLite database. (no complicated SQL server install needed)

It's convoluted, but it works for me.

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