hi chaps
going steadily insane with this...

I have a contact page - each contact has many calls. An inline form
allows a new call to be added on the contact page. So far so good -
but I can't get validation to work, or redirect after completion of
the form.

So for example I take the following from the "Rapid Rails with Hobo"
book - plug it into my call.rb model...
validates_length_of :name, :within => 2..20, :too_long => "pick a
name", :too_short => "pick a longer name"

but can still create calls with names of any length.

And whatever I try, adding a call always leads to the new call's show
page - I want to redirect to stay on the contact page with the call

Is there something about having child records in <aside> tags I'm

thanks for any assistance

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