Hi All!

Hobo has been working great for me for years now, but I just ran into something that I can't figure out (maybe because I'm now 74 years old :-D ).

I have an app that uses enum_string in one of the fields to produce a standard drop down list. No Problem.

I want to change it so that I can populate the drop down list from two static texts and the contents of one of the fields of a second table.

The original code is:

  fields do
    name              :string, :index => true
    send_to           enum_string('Active Members','Trustees','Specified')

I changed this field to

    send_to            string

which changed the rendered form to use a plain input box.

I want to produce a drop down list that looks like this:

    Active Members
    AMember        #populated from Members table


where the user can select multiple entries.

The current form contains the following:

    <field-list fields="subject, body, send_to, specified" param>
<specified-label:>#{ht 'club_email.labels.specified', :default=>'DEFAULT'}</specified-label:>

The impacted field is send_to.

Bonus points if the solution only allows multi-select for the AMember..ZMember but not if one of Active Members or Trustees is selected. (I'll handle this in code otherwise).

Is there an easy way of doing this? I looked in the documentation, but could not find a combination to do this without using custom DRYML.


Don Ziesig

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