I really hope someone out there can help me as I have tried absolutely
everything I can think of. My problem is that, when I try to print to my
DJ130 in Photoshop CS4 the printer stops printing 2/3 through. This only
happens with very large prints (24 x 36). I can print smaller just fine.
After searching the archives of this group I found lots of references to
Qimage as a great way to print so downloaded the demo version to see if I
could print a whole picture using that. Sadly, as soon as hit the print
button in Qimage Windows crashed!! I had done all the setup mentioned in the
Qimage tutorial before printing, and do have the latest printer driver. I am
using Windows 7 64 bit. 

Any help or ideas about printing a large PSD file in Photoshop or about how
to print in Qimage without Windows crashing would be greatly appreciated!!


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