According to Neal Richter:
> > > Question:  Your message below points to an error on page 26613.
> > > Your previous message pointed to an error on page 33.
> > > Is the error a moving target? ;-)
> >
> > I think I reduced the data set slightly, but yes, the target does seem
> > to move :(  As the attached file shows, it is now complaining about
> > page 46, and I don't think I've changed anything since the last time,
> > except the runtime flags (-v level).
>   If you are indexing the same data in the same order every time and the
> target moves with trivial changes of code or flags.. that usually means
>   Unfortunately these types of errors are difficult to duplicate on other
> machines/platforms.
>   Valgrind is a nice open source memory debugger.. have you used it
> before?
>   %valgrind htdig xxx yyy
>   This will definetly help find a memory error, but will also drown you in
> output sice htdig is pretty bad with memory leaks.. but you can dissable
> leak detection and look only for memory corruption.

Just a little something from out in left field, as I've only been very
loosely following this thread...  Are you running the very latest release
of the libz code?  All this talk of memory corruption and memory leaks,
seemingly related to libz (at least as suggested by Lachlan) reminds me
of the recent security alerts regarding libz.

The alerts referred to a double-free bug, which was presented as a
security vulnerability, but if libz wasn't (or isn't) managing allocs and
frees properly, couldn't that lead to all sorts of wierdness like this?

Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:
Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3J7  (Canada)

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