The htfuzzy error was for an undefined symbol. Here's the output error from 'make':

ld: Undefined symbols:
make[1]: *** [htfuzzy] Error 1
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

It seems to have been fixed, though, as demonstrated in a later email.

On Sunday, August 31, 2003, at 10:45 PM, Neal Richter wrote:

On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Jim Cole wrote:

On Friday, August 29, 2003, at 06:02 AM, Ted Stresen-Reuter wrote:

So, bottom line is, compiling ht on Mac OS X with the above configure
options seems to work (with the exception of htfuzzy). Now, if we
could only figure out how to get it to compile with dynamic shared
libraries on OS X...

What is the htfuzzy error? Is it filecopy.c stuff or something else?


Neal Richter
Knowledgebase Developer
RightNow Technologies, Inc.
Customer Service for Every Web Site
Office: 406-522-1485

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