
I would disagree with you, Mark. There can countries/languages/layouts which were never implemented in hardware - and still it makes sense to have corresponding layouts (or at least variants). I would not bound the word "keymap" to the politics of the keyboard vendors (some countries can just be too small/insiginficant for them, some languages considered as secondary etc). For example, I never seen any keyboard with the Irish layout - but still think this layout can exist, even if there was no physical keyboard. Similar, I am not sure there was some keyboard with the Russian phonetic layout - but AFAIK, the number of people using it is large enough to include it.

> convenience additions privately using xmodmap. Maintaining a repository
> of personal convenience keymaps sounds like a very openended endeavor.
I think it really is. The only thing is that maintainers should be careful and picky about inclusion of the multiple related keymaps.


PS I am using both words "layout" and "keymap" because I see you want to ban any non-hardware-based set of symbols.
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