Barusan ngobrol dengan konsultan "hard rock" dari Australia, memang benar di sana seorang fresh graduate akan dengan mudah mendapatkan income 80 sampai 100 ribu per tahun saat ini. Menurut kawan ini, penyebabnya adalah booming-nya industri mineral yang terutama sekali disebabkan oleh harga-harga komoditi tambang yang melambung tinggi. Mungkin ada juga kontribusi harga migas disini (???) Kembali ke email saya terdahulu, 2 faktor utama sudah dipenuhi Aussi yaitu punya SDA bagus dan iklim investasi (eksplorasi) yang bagus pula. Jadi pada saat harga komoditi melambung tinggi, bergeraklah mereka....... saya ingat kira-kira 3 tahun lalu diberitakan bahwa ratusan geologist Aussi jobless.......kontras sekali dengan saat ini.

Dibandingkan dengan Indonesia, potensi SDA ada, tapi iklim investasi gak mendukung, jadi pada saat harga komoditi tinggi, jalan di tempat-lah kita........

Apa ya yang bisa dilakukan geologist (atau iagi??) untuk ikut memperbaiki iklim investasi ini???

Salam - Daru

----- Original Message ----- From: "Suwandi Utoro, Edi (edsuwan)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:45 AM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Lulusan geologi primadona di Ostrali

Di Ostrali jurusan geologi lagi jadi primadona, lulusannya cepat diserap
oleh industri.
Harusnya di Indonesia seperti ini juga yah, katanya kan negara kita kaya
akan SDA.
Kapan yah kira-kira di Indonesia bisa booming seperti ini ? Tapi booming
atau tidak, semoga lulusan baru geologi lebih kreatif agar bisa survive
dan bersaing.


Geology students walk into $80,000 first jobs

GEOLOGISTS are the nation's highest-paid graduates, stepping out of the
classroom straight into $80,000 a year jobs.

Those qualified to study rock mineral deposits in the earth's crust have
eclipsed dentists, optometrists, doctors and engineers, leading to a
boom in enrolments.

Last year, the University of Adelaide's School of Earth and
Environmental Sciences had 158 first-year students - its highest ever

Lecturer in geology Dr Karin Barovich said that figure was expected to
increase again in 2006.

"We used to be called the old economy, the dinosaur economy, five to
eight years ago," she said. "But we've come out of a depressed time, and
minerals now account for about 48 per cent of the country's income.

Dr Barovich said Australian geology was experiencing a boom period due
to growing demand from China and India.

She said the boom period would continue with the expansion of SA's
Olympic Dam, and increased calls for copper uranium. "Geology graduates
are right up there and ready to reap the rewards," she said.

Demand for geologists was so high, experienced scientists and lecturers
could command six-figure salaries.

Many second year students, meanwhile, were finding themselves
head-hunted for jobs years before their graduation.

Dr Barovich said two of her students were spending the summer working in
the field "which is an amazing experience for them.".

"To get out and work in your field, before getting your diploma, is
incredible," she said.

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