For years I've suggested to folks they should try the
free (well, included-in-the-price) HTTP server that
comes with z/OS.

Several people have replied that would love some training
in tailoring z/OS UNIX and in setting up the HTTP server.

But those are systems programmer courses and my focus
has always been on the applications side of things.

Finally I've decided to write a paper, a semi-cookbook
if you will, on getting the HTTP server up and running

So I've produced a 38-page paper on exactly this. But
I would like some of you systems types to have a look
and see if it is clear and accurate and if there are
better ways to do things and so on, before I publish
the doc on my website.

If you'd be interested in reading / critiquing this
paper, drop me a line off-list and I'll send you a
copy. If you have suggestions that I incorporate I'll
include your name on the acknowledgements page.



Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


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