We are planning on replacing some of our *very* old operator's
consoles (IBM 3471's) with something a bit newer and I am trying to
identify products that might work for us.  We support a *lot* of
separate MVS & VM images (50 or more) and have switched to Visara
boxes to replace most of our controllers.  This has allowed us to
combine multiple consoles on one terminal and we would like to better
exploit that capability.

I think our requirements are very simple:
o the simpler, and more traditional console-like, the better
o we want consoles and no other functionality
o we do not want anything Windows-based
o preferably without any sort of hard drive or other failure-prone components
o all of the terminals will be connected to Visara boxes
o they need to be coax-attached (we do not want to be at the mercy of
  our IP network.)
o they should be able to display multiple sessions (max 4) concurrently for
  operator monitoring
o they should be able to support multiple sessions (10) that the Visara
  controllers allow us to put on one coax
o must work with LCD screens
o support standard mainframe keyboard
o no mouse required
o something that will last us another 15-20 years like the 3471's did
o we are considering Visara's UTC-L devices (any experience with them?)

Any other suggestions on devices that you use and like?

Sun Microsystems (StorageTek)

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