On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 12:03:16 -0400, Lizette Koehler 

>DCOLLECT runs once per day.  The time frame for this error is anytime 
between 11pm and 3am.  No specific time, just around Midnight.
>I have a file from last night that ran during the event.  That is why I was 
thinking of running it a little more often.  To try and get closer to the 
>I am also running SMF 30, 14 15 17 18 60-69 Records to see if I can get to 
the problem that way as well.
Hi Lizette, we had a similar situation where some DB2 datasets were 
constantly flowing into our SPILL volumes but when we would check the pools 
in the morning, they would be fine.
Come to find out that the DB2 pool would get flooded with large datasets 
during the night but then the primary/secondary space managements would 
run and offload the datasets to tape leaving the pools squeeky clean except 
for the SPILL volumes which we would sweep the datasets to move them to 
the proper pool.
Perhaps something like this is happening in your instance.

Anyway, its a thought.

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