kalau cuma lupa kan bisa diretrieve via google account bro.:)
berguna bgt kalau google account kita juga gak bisa diakses via pc misal
karena lupa password gmail.

2011/11/2 Ali Ramdani - Thoa - <duelist.t...@gmail.com>

> Wahahahaha...
> Nah.. justru itu yg bikin gw penasaran...
> tp sebenernya aplikasinya bagus banget tuh buat yg lupa lockscreen
> pattern..
> Regards,
> Thoa | Ali Ramdani
> On Nov 2, 2011 11:15 PM, "Amer" <moamer.khad...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Wkwkwkwk ternyata ente nyadar juga bro. Iya ane tau kok, musti pake
>> google acct yg nempel di hh.
>> Tapi ini bisa jadi isyarat kalau lockscreen bisa aja ditembus bro, entah
>> gimana caranya.
>> ;D
>> --
>> [Phone] HTC Desire S
>> [ROM] MIUI 1.10.21
>> [Kernel] Cyanogenmod
>> [Recovery] 4EXTRecovery v2.1.0
>> On Nov 2, 2011 11:08 PM, "Ali Ramdani - Thoa -" <duelist.t...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Gmn si maling mau install beginian bro? Orang masuk aja susah.. apa lagi
>>> untuk tau email dan password google account kita... krn klo mau install
>>> applikasi dr market web base.. tetep harus login dulu...
>>> Hehehehehe....
>>> Regards,
>>> Thoa | Ali Ramdani
>>> On Nov 2, 2011 3:30 PM, "Amer" <moamer.khad...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> kalau screenlocknya pake pattern bisa di bypass bro. barusan ane coba
>>>> pake ini.
>>>> https://market.android.com/details?id=se.curity.android.screenlockbypass&pli=1
>>>> ;D
>>>> 2011/11/2 Ali Ramdani - Thoa - <duelist.t...@gmail.com>
>>>>> Waahh... salah tangkap ini mas bro...
>>>>> klo udah d root mah bukan hanya bisa di uncentang atau d centang....
>>>>> di ganti ROMnya pun bisa...
>>>>> tinggal masuk ke recovery dari keadaan mati... beres deh.. ilang semua
>>>>> tuh program2 anti theft.. mau yg di umpetin di symtem juga..
>>>>> nah klo blom d root, trs d screennya di lock, trs USB Debug-nya di
>>>>> uncentang... gmn masuknya...?
>>>>> mau di root dan dijejelin recovery juga susah....
>>>>> sampe sekarang sih menurut gw blom bisa tuh... tau deh nanti... atau
>>>>> sebenernya udah ada tp blom tau aja gwnya...
>>>>> klo ada rekan2 yg tau.. monggo share dimari... penasaran mode on...
>>>>> 2011/11/2 Amer <moamer.khad...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> kalau masalahnya di usb debug. udah root juga bisa di uncentang usb
>>>>>> debugnya.
>>>>>> jadi sama aja bro :D
>>>>>> 2011/11/2 Ali Ramdani - Thoa - <duelist.t...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> Nahh.. makanya itu bro...
>>>>>>> menurut gw tetep... HH unroot atau virgin itu yg paling aman...
>>>>>>> setidaknya sepengetahuan gw sampe saat ini....
>>>>>>> 2011/11/2 Amer <moamer.khad...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> berhubung ane bukan master. ane gak tau bro :D
>>>>>>>> tapi sepinter2nya proteksi, pasti ada cara :P
>>>>>>>> 2011/11/2 Ali Ramdani - Thoa - <duelist.t...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> Klo misalnya screen-nya di lock pake password/pattern... trs USB
>>>>>>>>> Debug nya gak d centang... gmn cara cebolnya...?
>>>>>>>>> apa lagi HHnya CDMA yg inject... gw sih penasaran aja... setau gw
>>>>>>>>> sulit banget tuh... krn mau root atau operakan segala macem...
>>>>>>>>> ya minimal harus USB Debug nya di ON / centang...
>>>>>>>>> 2011/11/1 Amer <moamer.khad...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> Factory reset kan gak perlu root bro. Lgpula kalau si maling udah
>>>>>>>>>> master android biarpun masih s-off ya tetep bisa dijebol juga.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> [Phone] HTC Desire S
>>>>>>>>>> [ROM] MIUI 1.10.21
>>>>>>>>>> [Kernel] Cyanogenmod
>>>>>>>>>> [Recovery] 4EXTRecovery v2.1.0
>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 1, 2011 6:07 PM, "Ali Ramdani - Thoa -" <
>>>>>>>>>> duelist.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Klo udah d root masih ada kemungkinan bisa d wipe / factory
>>>>>>>>>>> reset.
>>>>>>>>>>> Klo masih blom d root, kemungkinannya kecil sekali... apa lagi
>>>>>>>>>>> yah debug ga d centang.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thoa | Ali Ramdani
>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 1, 2011 11:19 AM, "Amer" <moamer.khad...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> kalau skenario yg saya sempet pikirin, lacak dulu, cari posisi
>>>>>>>>>>>> dimana hh lama tidak bergerak yg pastinya sudah agak lama setelah 
>>>>>>>>>>>> hilang.
>>>>>>>>>>>> setelah yakin ada dimana, menuju lokasi hh tsb, baru bikin hh
>>>>>>>>>>>> tereak sekenceng-kencengnya biar kita bisa samperin. tapi 
>>>>>>>>>>>> antisipasi awal
>>>>>>>>>>>> pastinya wipe all data biar data2 penting gak tercuri.
>>>>>>>>>>>> ini alarm theft aware kuenceng dan bikin pusing lho. kemaren
>>>>>>>>>>>> sempet nyoba pas hh diumpetin temen soalnya hihihihi.... satu 
>>>>>>>>>>>> lantai jadi
>>>>>>>>>>>> heboh :P
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2011/11/1 Shinte Galeshka <gales...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> skenario yang kepikir bbrp waktu ini untuk membantu saat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tablet hilang ya dengan menginstal lookout (ada di market) di 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tablet dan di
>>>>>>>>>>>>> handheld (android, bb atau iphone) kalo salah satu hilang, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> langsung buka
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mylookout dari browser dan lacak, kunci atau buat si missing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gadget
>>>>>>>>>>>>> teriak...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> secara teori sih begitu, cuma belum pernah dicoba :D
>>>>>>>>>>>>> semoga bisa dapet yang lebih bagus ya bro.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Galeshka
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2011/10/31 Eddy Surandy <mi...@surandy.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> YM ga ada di gtab itu om?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kartu kredit yg terkoneksi ke Market?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Eddy -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Octafianus <octafia...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sender: id-android@googlegroups.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 04:39:06
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: [id-android] Indonesian Android Community<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> id-android@googlegroups.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reply-To: id-android@googlegroups.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [id-android] WTAsk:Yg perlu dilakukan bila
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kehilangan Gtab 10.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rekan2, baru kena musibah nih.. Dgn sangat terpaksa harus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> merelakan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gtab 10.1 ke tangan pencopet di food court MOI semalam. Yg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sdh saya
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lakukan segera adalah :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Ganti password gmail
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Ganti password facebook
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Ganti password ebuddy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kira2 ada lagi ngga yg harus dilakukan supaya tdk terjadi yg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tdk
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diinginkan?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mohon advicenya rekan2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Indonesian Android Community"  Join:
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC  Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com  Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC  Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com  Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for those who speak knows nothing and those who know says
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nothing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://galeshka.wordpress.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.plurk.com/galeshka
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.twitter.com/galeshka
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.facebook.com/shinte.galeshka
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  --
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>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://forum.android.or.id
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>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Be first, be better, or cheat.™
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>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
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>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
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>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
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>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
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>>>>>>>>> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
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>>>>>>>>> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
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>>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
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>>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
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>>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
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>>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
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>>>>>>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
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>>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
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>>>>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>>>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
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>>>>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
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>>>>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
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>>> --------------------
>>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
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>>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
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>> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
>> --------------------
>> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
>> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
>> --------------------
>> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
>> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
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>> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
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>> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21
>  --
> "Indonesian Android Community" Join: http://forum.android.or.id
> ===============
> Download Aplikasi Kompas versi Digital dan Keren
> https://market.android.com/details?id=com.kompas.android.kec
> ---------------------
> Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband
> http://www.xl.co.id/XLInternet/BroadbandInternet
> --------------------
> PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
> E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
> --------------------
> i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
> E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
> --------------------
> Toko EceranShop - BEC Bandung
> E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com Ph. 0815-56599888
> ===============
> Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21

Be first, be better, or cheat.™

"Indonesian Android Community"  Join: http://forum.android.or.id

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Gunakan Paket Unlimited Data XL Mobile Broadband  
PING'S Mobile - Plaza Semanggi
E-mail: i...@pings-mobile.com Ph. 021-25536796
i-gadget Store - BEC Bandung
E-mail: a...@i-gadgetstore.com Ph. 0812-21111191
Toko EceranShop - BEC  Bandung
E-mail: wi...@eceranshop.com  Ph. 0815-56599888

Aturan Jualan dan Kloteran ID-Android http://goo.gl/YBN21

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