--- Start of Idrisi List message

I was a frequent poster to this list a few years ago, around the
transition from Idrisi 4.1 to Idrisi for Windows 1.0. Around that time I
changed jobs and stopped using Idrisi, and haven't really been near it
since the early days of IfW 1.0. Version 2.0 I'm fairly familiar with,
but Idrisi32 is so far untried. 

However, I'm now pulled back into the world of Idrisi by some work I may
do with a charity in Latin America who are dealing with indigenous land
rights and land use, who (my contact tells me) are using IfW 2.0 on
Win95/98/NT/whatever. My recollections of its capabilites are sketchy at
best, and as www.idrisi.com is dedicated to Idrisi32 I thought I'd come
here to see if what I'm attempting to achieve is possible using 2.0!

Things I need to do/know (any answers appreciated, your experience is

. how good (in your experience) is 2.0 at handling large files of
satellite imagery (TM).
. is the compatability with Access databases much improved over 1.0
(which iirc was minimal to say the least)?
. are the vector capabilities significantly better than 1.0, i.e. are
the point/line/area attributes anything more than descriptions of those
objects or can I *really* attach other data (text fields, etc., possibly
from the Access database). What I'm looking for is the ability to query
points/lines/areas on screen and have the results (text fields etc.)
appear on the screen in a small window.

I guess what I'm looking for is the v2.0 manual & tech. reference, if
anyone had those electronically (in PDF form would be a dream) so I can
start to equip myself *before* I find out that what's being asked
is/isn't possible, that would be wonderful.  I don't think the charity
can afford Idrisi32 and so am likely to be trying to coax everything I
can out of 2.0!

any experiences ("yes, I did that, it was easy" or "no, not in a million
years without idrisi32") would be useful! if you could reply off-list,
I'll summarise if I get any responses...

thank you for your patience, my knowledge of the principles of Idrisi is
undminished, I just need a bit of a leg-up with the specifics!

Ian Usher, Computer Support & Webmonger     [e] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Remote Sensing Unit, Department of Geography  [w] http://i.am/i.usher/
http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/  [e2] [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [icq] 66751731
University College London, Chandler House,     [t] +44 (0)20 7679 4290 
2 Wakefield Street, London, WC1N 1PG, U.K.     [f] +44 (0)20 7679 4293
--- End of Idrisi List message

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