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Hello Everyone,
PCA has often been mentioned as a sound statistical technique for
vegetation monitoring (Refer IDRISI guides). Second component thus obtained
is said to capture the required information in this context.

After running PCA on the images of two dates, what is the recommended
technique for cahnge detection, e.g. simple overlay? I found Oliver
Tomlinson's response in the mail archives : "I often use components to
classify an image rather than raw input image bands." But could not find
his email address. Does he mean simple reclassification or something else?
Please excuse my ignorance.

Any help / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Vivek K.Varma
Department of Forestry
Institute of Land and Food Resources
University of Melbourne, Vic. 3010

Phone: +(61) 3 8344 5238 (Work); +(61) 3 9383 3417 (Home)
FAX: +(61) 3 9349 4172
Web site: http://www.GeoCities.com/RainForest/Vines/5953/index.htm
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