On 07/03/2014 06:54 PM, Margaret Hinkle wrote:
Issue 1. With the new demeter-devel Macports download, Athena freezes
upon opening. Opening up Athena via Terminal brought up perl5.16 -- I
could see the GUI, the Tip of the Day, and the Athena startup box, but
the system just froze. I had to force quit every time, getting the
following notice in my Terminal: 'Terminated: 15'. I had a feeling it
was an issue with the Tip of the Day popping up, so I edited the
Athena.pm file (in the UI folder), and edited line 197 from
‘$app->show_tip ifDemeter->co->default('athena', 'tips');’ TO
  ‘$app->show_tip ifDemeter->co->default('athena', 'tip');’
(honestly, I don't know enough about this code to be able to give it a
real option that would turn off the Tip of the Day as the default, so I
just hoped this would make the program give me general error in the GUI
but that Athena could still load). Luckily, my not-fix fix worked. I get
an error every time I open it, but after clicking 'OK', Athena behaves
just like normal. I hope you can use this information to provide a real
fix to the problem!

It *is* surprising that removing random characters from the source code didn't fix the problem!

There is another way that you might have asked this question, something like, "I am having this problem with Athena and I am suspicious that the tips-of-the-day dialog is to blame. Is there a way to disable it before starting Athena?"

Look for the '[athena]' section of demeter.ini, which should be in '$HOME/.horae'. Set the "tips" parameter to "false". That will suppress the tips dialog.

Issue 2. I can only load data files into Athena if there are no headers
of any sort -- commenting out each header line with a # or % does not
work. When I try to load in a .dat file with a commented-out header, I
get the following error message in Terminal:
'At line 436 of file iff_show.f
Fortran runtime error: End of record'
followed by Athena quitting itself.
This is an issue with both the regular Macports demeter download and the
demeter-devel download. These data files loaded in just fine to the old
iXAFS version of Athena, and on a PC. Is there a plugin I should be
using in the Demeter versions? If I delete the header, or load it in
from a .prj file, everything works just fine. So it is not huge issue,
as I do have a work around.

It is not reasonable to expect anyone on the list to understand your problem if you do not provide an example. Without being able to reproduce a problem on my own computer, I can only speculate.

Perhaps it has something to do with very long lines in the data file... perhaps something having to do with non-ASCII characters...


 Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------ bra...@bnl.gov

 National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
 Building 535A
 Upton NY, 11973

 Homepage:    http://xafs.org/BruceRavel
 Software:    https://github.com/bruceravel
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