Hi Folks,

I hope most of you have seen information about the 2021 Virtual XAFS
Conference this summer:    https://xafs2021.org/

There will be an in-person conference in the summer of 2022 in Sydney and a
briefer, virtual conference this summer:  11-13 July 2021.

I especially want to draw your attention to the Virtual Poster session for
students and early-career scientists.  The abstract deadline is 1 May, a
little less than two weeks from now: see
https://xafs2021.org/call-for-abstracts.php for details. Please consider
submitting a poster or encouraging your colleagues to do so.

There will also be a Virtual Workshop on Data Analysis with Larch:  I'll be
pre-recording lectures, and then going over some of the finer details of
using XAS Viewer and doing simple XAFS analysis during the workshop.

Hope to see you there,

--Matt Newville <newville at cars.uchicago.edu> 630-327-7411
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