Oh good lord, the entire list is aflame. Oh wait, no its just the regular 
flamers who're flaming.

> India has only one timezone. I woulid like to suggest to
> change the city to Delhi (from Calcutta), which is the capital of
> India, and has been stable since the country's independence in 1947.
> If your criteria is the most populous city, it would be Mumbai (formerly
> Bombay).
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_populous_cities_in_India

I think a decision needs to be made on the basis of how other countries with 
single timezones handle this issue. Personally, I think a change to Delhi seems 
like the logical thing to do, given that it IS the political capital of the 
country - no matter how important other cities in the country may be.

- Viksit


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