FWIW, my opinion is this is likely another case of computer engineers trying to optimize something that doesn't need to be optimized (a sin I have been guilty of many times).

And I'm saying that as someone who went to the trouble of writing a spec and implementing a prototype SASL mechanism for this purpose (plaintext password encrypted only during the authentication phase). I now think that work was largely a waste of time (although I had fun doing it and learned a lot).

The cost of symmetric ciphers is small to negligable on modern hardware, particularly a wimpy cipher like RC4 which is the most common in SSL/TLS.

Rather than making TLS implementations more complicated (and less secure) to support mid-stream down-negotiation, or introducing another SASL mechanism to do this, why not just optimize the RC4 code? That will benefit _all_ protocols using TLS and reduce the complexity of the Internet suite of protocols.

Encrypting data that doesn't need to be encrypted is good for overall security of the system.

- Chris

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