Mark Crispin wrote:
> I note that there is an I-D, draft-kohn-news-article-00.txt, which
> addresses Usenet mail format in a compatible fashion without introducing
> the major incompatibilities that would be inflicted on other protocols
> (including IMAP) by adding raw, untagged UTF-8 to news message headers.  I
> also note that there is a charter revision in progress for Usefor.


> The Kohn I-D suggests a means to accomplish what is necessary without
> inflicting major incompatibilities and mandates upon other protocols.
> There's a few minor nits with that document, but it definitely appears to
> be a step in the right direction.


> IMAP is messaging, and the sooner that people stop thinking about "news"
> and "mail" and start thinking about "messaging", the better.

I agree.  I have quietly been monitoring this discussion and I'm am
dumbfounded as to why the netnews community seems to want to single out
the usenet format as special/different/unique/superior/pioneering.

I view IMAP, POP3, NNTP and SMTP as different ways of moving around the
same content.  I should be able to ingest an article via NNTP, read it
via IMAP, forward it off to someone else via SMTP and have them read it
via POP3 all without having to alter the content.

If a change needs to be made in the message format to satisfy the needs
of one of the protocols, then the change should be made in a backwards
compatible way for all of them.  The Kohn draft attempts to do exactly

Is there some fundamental flaw in my thinking?  If there is, please
enlighten me.

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
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