on 3/12/2003 5:38 PM Steve Hole wrote:

> The answer -- the bigger the mailbox and the lower the transaction rate
>  into the mailbox, the bigger the win.   If the mailbox was small or
> had a high transaction rate (lots of expunged and new messages) then it
> wasn't that much of a win.
> A number of mailboxes do have this type of activity pattern -- my inbox
>  being one of those.

That seems like a reasonable outcome if you are only taking watermarks
periodically. If the watermark was updated frequently (such as each open
and close), wouldn't the problem be diminished for mailboxes that were
selected frequently?

Also the obvious point that where this feature benefits the most is
exactly where it is needed the most. I have more than a few folders with
>4000 messages in them, and those folders take a very long time to open
whenever there is any significant latency or bandwidth constraint.

Eric A. Hall                                        http://www.ehsco.com/
Internet Core Protocols          http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/coreprot/

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