On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, David Woodhouse wrote:
> After all, although Evolution is taking 10 seconds to open certain
> folders at the moment because it's re-downloading flags, it doesn't
> actually _need_ all of those flags

Right.  So why does it need to download all of them?  Note that the SEARCH
command can often be used in lieu of having the flags locally.

> I prefer to do the same. The startup time is far from negligible. But I
> got out of the habit of leaving them running while using wu-imapd,
> because the imapd would keep killing itself if two clients looked at the
> same folder at the same time.

That's an artifact of the traditional UNIX mailbox format.  Try the mbx

> It's about five seconds per page (19 mails) for me this morning. How
> does the size of the envelope matter -- we're only displaying four
> fields. Are we downloading headers we don't actually need?

Pine uses envelopes, not headers.  If it's taking 5 seconds to get 19
normal sized envelopes then something else is wrong.

> > Have you noticed that Pine *does* completely cache within a session?  As
> > long as you don't give up the session, Pine will never re-fetch the same
> > data.
> I'm not sure what you mean by 'session' in this context.

"Session" is defined in RFC 2060, and refers to the period that a mailbox
is selected.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.

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