On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 00:34, Alexey Melnikov wrote:
> Please, have a look at draft-melnikov-imap-condstore-10.txt. Your timestamp is
> called modseq (modification sequence) in the draft. FLAGS-VALIDITY is called
> HIGHESTMODSEQ in the document.

That is indeed almost precisely what I was looking for. Thank you.

Btw I see only -09. Did you s/successfull/successful/ in §3 of -10

> The functionality you propose can be build as a small extension to CONDSTORE
> (and yes, other people already proposed something similar before).

It's early here -- I'm not sure if there's any functionality I'd wanted
that isn't there, from a client's point of view.

The only real difference I note is that I was trying to allow for the
option of a far more naïve server implementation, where the server
_only_ keeps 'HIGHESTMODSEQ' and doesn't actually keep MODSEQ for
individual messages -- or where it keeps MODSEQ only for the N most
recently changed messages. This might improve the adoption rate of the
extension while still allowing the majority of the benefit to be seen by

I'm not particularly tied to that idea though -- from a client's point
of view, I'm perfectly happy without it.


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