I went with your suggestion and added a second transport map with the washed
domains.  I also did the same for the relay recipients adding a 2nd map with

The gateway is now processing email for the washed domains and everything is
working good.  

I plan in the future to get email lists from their Exchange servers so that
I can build valid relay recipient maps.  With this system of multiple maps I
can have them upload their lists whenever it changes and the system will be

Thanks again for the help.



-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Len Conrad
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 1:58 PM
To: IMGate@mgw2.MEIway.com
Subject: [IMGate] Re: Ignoring transport and relay_recipient

>   I would think the next logical
>thing would be to try and add the domains I want to the transport map after
>its exported from IMail.  Or is there another way to do this?

you can have mutlitple files input to

transport_maps =

they are searched in order, first match wins.

I would recommend the multi file approach. some exported files are 
untouched, and other files are created/modified.

What you export from Imail is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Not being well versed in unix commands

I found a new one yesterday, by accident, which might help you here.

pkg_add -r rpl

rpl, replace, is a nice command with a non-mathematical/non-nerdy 
manner that is simpler than sed or perl.

>  is there a way that I can modify the
>following script to place something like his in the transport map -
>domainabc.com smtp:[111.222.333.444]
>domainefg.com smtp:[111.222.333.444]
>domainhij.com smtp:[111.222.333.444]

... is nothing but standard formatting for transport.map.

>sed "s/$/     OK/" imailusers.txt >relay_recipients_unsorted.txt
>sort relay_recipients_unsorted.txt >relay_recipients_sorted.txt

sort -f < relay_recipients_unsorted.txt | uniq 
-i >  relay_recipients.txt.sorted

>sed "s/$/ smtp:[]/" imailusers.txt > domaina.txt

that appears to be attempting to append " smtp:[]" to a 
transport.map line.

here's another way with PERL

perl -pi.bak -e 's/\[domain\.tld\]/"[ip.ad.re.ss]"/ig' /path/to/file

.... outputs "file" with replacements, and file.back before replacements.


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