Is it possible to find out upon which date a tag was placed?  The information 
does not seem to be stored.  Barring that, I believe that I could do something 
like the following (pseudocode);

TaggedAfter = BeginningOfTime
TaggedBefore = EndOfTime
for each File of FilesInRepositoryWithTag
        if CommitTime( TaggedRevision ) > TaggedAfter
                TaggedAfter = CommitTime( TaggedRevision )
        if RevisionExists( TaggedRevision + 1 )
                if CommitTime( TaggedRevision + 1 ) < TaggedBefore
                        TaggedBefore = CommitTime( TaggedRevision + 1 )

        This would at least give me the window in which the tag was stamped, I think. 
Is there a flaw in my thinking?  I'm interested in the answer to this even if 
there is a way to get a timestamp for the tagging operation itself.



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