Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 15:37:50 -0300
   From: Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[...]   > 
   > I'm still wondering what causes these problems.  Some reports say that
   > service processes aren't crashing; if they're not crashing, how is the
   > count getting off?

   Good question, isn't it?  I am trying to track a segfault in the auth_unix
   callbacks with SASL 2.1.2 [1], but after that I will try to do a once-over
   the entire master flow, with and without the child pid tracking patches.


"auth_unix" is part of the authorization, not part of libsasl.
Regardless, this code happens after the service has told the master
it's unavailable, so a crash here wouldn't cause the master's count to
get off.

   > We don't have this problem on any of our servers.

   Do you have preforking enabled?  If you do (and if I did undertand the issue
   correctly), start kill -9'ing service processes, and it should be possible
   to duplicate the bug.  I will try that just now, in fact.

Sure, if you intentionally kill processes that are waiting for
connections this happens.  I understand this.  But if I did that,
master would log messages that the processes were dying incorrectly
("signaled to death by 9").


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