--On Thursday, September 25, 2003 15:14:34 -0400 Etienne Goyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have 'sasl_mech_list: PLAIN DIGEST-MD5'.  When doing CAPABILITY, I
have AUTH=DIGEST-MD5, but not AUTH=PLAIN.  I think that Cyrus imapd does
not advertise PLAIN, even if he accept it.  If I sniff the connection
, I can see that mailutil hang up right after asking for CAPABILITY.
I guess it does not do DIGEST-MD5 and give up since AUTH=PLAIN is not
advertised.  Does that make sense ?  If yes, is there a way to make
Cyrus advertise AUTH=PLAIN ?

It may only be advertising PLAIN over an encrypted connection. What happens if you remove the "/notls" ?


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