Could perhaps, some of this something to do, with having intermediate folders 
subscribed/unsubscribed in the middle of the tree? And that to cause something 
like it that perhaps is not caused when the mailbox is being accessed by the 
user instead of being replicated (when the change is applied by 

Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Dpto. de sistemas
944 209 470
Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia) <mailto:undefined> <>
Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario hacerlo.

> El 9 jul 2019, a las 14:10, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea <> escribió:
> Good morning,
> After we upgraded to Cyrus 3.0.8, we saw that some users in the replicas 
> didn't have some folders (or all) subscribed the same way they had in 
> previous env in Cyrus 2.3. Same happened for some users with Sieve scripts. 
> It seemed the content itself was perfectly copied. It was like, if the copy 
> between versions would not had fully succeed. We fixed it easily by creating 
> some scripts for checking folder subscriptions and Sieve scripts existence. 
> We though it could perhaps had something to do with some issue replicating 
> folders subscriptions and sieve scripts from 2.3 to 3.0.8. After that, as we 
> fixed it easily and was nothing related to content, we just didn’t go in deep 
> in this topic.
> When we started running couples of servers in Cyrus 3.0.8 (upgraded and 
> apparently with all the change process finished) we have seen in some cases 
> that folder subscription was not properly replicated again. Both members of 
> the couple of servers where running same Cyrus version, the 3.0.8 and this 
> issue, was not seen in all users… just in some of them… Due to this reason I 
> have started checking the git repo logs… for trying to see some perhaps 
> related change or similar… some commit that could very clearly affect to this 
> issue (that could have caused it). I have had no success.
> So after that, and after not being able to reproduce it, have taken a look at 
> the code. By the nature of the things seen, I supposed that perhaps a META 
> operation failed could be involved. I say it because in sync_do_meta() I can 
> read : 
> r = sync_response_parse(sync_be->in, "META", NULL,
>                             replica_subs, replica_sieve, replica_seen, NULL);
> if (!r) r = sync_do_user_seen(userid, replica_seen, sync_be, flags);
> if (!r) r = sync_do_user_sub(userid, replica_subs, sync_be, flags);
> if (!r) r = sync_do_user_sieve(userid, replica_sieve, sync_be, flags);
> Have been looking for some hours around it but have not been able to see 
> nothing strange… nothing that could have caused this...
> Have you ever heard about this issue?.
> Best regards,
> Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
> Dpto. de sistemas
> 944 209 470
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
> <mailto:undefined>
> <>
> Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario hacerlo.
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