cool down brothers ... :)

ive read and see that all four of u are correct...

not all CPU are equally build, some may be use under an extremely low
voltage and some cant just like tribaljet said...
also most CPU wont allow software setting such as used in the RMclock to use
lower voltage that the cpu cant handle because of the risk system suddenly
shutting down...

again what MAD said is true too, the fact that his CPU, im not sure what but
uses ICH7M chipset...can tolerate lower voltage at max throttle, but still
the performance will be the same and not increase...again multiplier doesnt
make the increase performance, the FSB to increase performance, a
system have to increase FSB frequency, and that will need more power...

as long as the FSB would be at stock clock, using lowest voltage with max
multiplier would not be a problem...

also do NOT use that method for CPU that adjust FSB dynamically mostly like
AMD, that would, like Tribaljel and lolattheotherguy said make a CPU shut
down suddenly when the "auto FSB" kicks in setting higher FSB, even a little
higher, can cause systems to shut down and RAM corruption (correct me if im
wrong guys, just woke up and forgetting a little :) )

as MAD_BEAST said, that using lowest voltage with max multiplier do really
work in most cases where intel CPU doesnt have those "auto FSB", ive tried
it and it really work on my T2300 Core Duo :) , but its a little unstable so
i use setFSB to downclock the FSB a little, because my RAM is so old it
could died on me anytime now :(

but for newer CPU like most AMD and later are extremely dynamic and can
adjust FSB at any given time, make sure to increased  a little voltage at
least 2 or 3 steps from lowest and ur system would be fine :) to use
MAD_BEAST method on newer CPU, u can actually use setFSB OR disable AMD cool
and quiet...also for some intel CPU, some CPU wont tolerate lower voltage on
max multiplier, but that depends on chipsets and RAM configuration...

what im saying is experiment, u can use MAD_BEAST method, it is absolutely
safe, but u have to test it in real life usage, photoshop and other things,
gaming perhaps, .. for the safe side, increase the voltage 2 step for
multiplier x7, x8 and 3 steps from lowest VID at multiplier x9 and
above...that is the absolutely minimum setting for safe configuration,
depends on what CPU also :)

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Daniel Estrazulas <> wrote:

> @Shiny, thats intersting, i did not know it even existed such things, i
> will try look for some place to buy at my country, thanks Shiny.
> This solved my temperature problem and like i said before , for precaution
> i did not  forced the recommended voltage range limit of my CPU.
> Thanks guys, all your comments really helped me, and now i know something
> about under/over voltage and clocking.
> 2011/4/18 Shiny <>
>> @Rick...Or you can tell him to buy a laptop cooling pad. My PC fan
>> broke or either runs slow. My laptop's ass is as hot as Kim
>> Kardashians so it overheats. So now I have to buy a laptop cooling pad
>> and I can play for a longass time now. I recommend buying the 40
>> dollar ones.
>> On Apr 18, 5:49 am, Rick van Veen <> wrote:
>> > * It helps make your hdd run smoother when it is really full
>> > * Nah, not that much. Just don't do it every day.
>> > * Blank on this one
>> > * that is way too high, should be 45 - 55 Celcius. Open your laptop and
>> > clean you fan completely. Most likely full with dust. This is a tricky
>> thing
>> > to do, take your time for it. Your laptop cannot lose it's heat. Or fan
>> is
>> > dirty or broken.
>> > * Advanced System Care Pro, the way to go...
>> >
>> > EpiC
>> --
>  --


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