Type: recommended
         Title: Languages that need CTL input sequence checking enabled
     Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Affected: i18npool, svtools, svx
         TaskId: i83349
Effective from: cws locales31
    CWS status: new

#include <i18npool/mslangid.hxx>

+    static bool needsSequenceChecking( LanguageType nLang );

MsLangId::needsSequenceChecking() replaces and centralizes the manual
checks that were done in svtools/source/config/ctloptions.cxx method
SvtCTLOptions_Impl::Load() and svx/source/dialog/optgdlg.cxx method
OfaLanguagesTabPage::FillItemSet() to determine whether input sequence
checking has to be enabled for a CTL language.

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