Hi Nikita!

W dniu 05.05.2020 o 15:51, Nikita Popov pisze:
Hi internals,

I've recently started a thread on resurrecting the named arguments proposal
(https://externals.io/message/109549), as this has come up tangentially in
some recent discussions around attributes and around object ergonomics.

I've now updated the old proposal on this topic, and moved it back under
discussion: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/named_params

Relative to the last time I've proposed this around PHP 5.6 times, I think
we're technically in a much better spot now when it comes to the support
for internal functions, thanks to the stubs work.

I think the recent acceptance of the attributes proposal also makes this a
good time to bring it up again, as phpdoc annotations have historically had
support for named arguments, and this will make migration to the
language-provided attributes smoother.


I'm on the fence when it comes to the feature itself so I will skip that
part entirerly but I'd like to draw attention to one more problem. Many
PHP Manual translations translate the parameter names, too - both in
text, as well as in the function/method signatures themselves.

We would need to fix every such occurence for every language (at least
active ones but there are still couple of them). Otherwise documentation
will become highly misleading.

Most people probably use IDEs of course but it still doesn't change the
fact that the manual cannot be totally out of sync with what could
become the language syntax.


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