What if Nikita changes the RFC to target PHP 8.1 but proceed with voting
now? If voting passes, the RFC will be pending implementation and the
"news" will start to spread. Brandt will write about it in his blog, Reddit
will have a post about it, etc. and the community will start to spread the
Maybe even include 3-way voting and let people decide which version to

I'm still on the fence whether I like or dislike depredations coming on
8.1, but my guess is that by carring on with the RFC now the information
will be spread and people will know about it.

On Sun, Jun 7, 2020, 06:46 Kalle Sommer Nielsen <ka...@php.net> wrote:

> Den søn. 7. jun. 2020 kl. 05.58 skrev Theodore Brown <
> theodor...@outlook.com>:
> > So while I understand the desire to make upgrades as easy as possible,
> > I'm not convinced it's a good idea to delay these deprecations for
> > a later release. At the very least if deprecation is likely the PHP
> > manual should say something about it.
> I agree with this and feel very strongly about it, we should not delay
> deprecations since they can be disabled on a configuration level by
> removing the E_DEPRECATED bits from error_reporting anyway. Allowing
> our users to know at the earliest possible moment when something is
> going to be deprecated allows userland to have a larger time for
> upgrading as these warnings about certain behavior will change many
> years from now, but old behavior is still in effect.
> --
> regards,
> Kalle Sommer Nielsen
> ka...@php.net
> --
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