
The exception being the PHP-7.3 branch, which in security mode.  Unless
we add GH CI for that branch as well, switching to travis-ci.com seems
to be useful.  Maybe we get enough free credits for the relatively rare

I don't think it's possible to migrate only one branch, but if we migrate the whole repo and use cron-only builds for upper branches, and request OSS credits if we run out of free ones, I think we should be OK.

Given that we have 7.3 still which aren't supported by Azure as I understand, I think we should migrate the repo but not invest too much into making it work for 8.x, just make it work for more infrequent 7.x builds. I'm not sure how credits work there yet, but I think we could ask enough of them to have 7.3 and maybe even 7.4 supported and not worry too much about the rest.

Stas Malyshev

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