On 15/11/2022 06:30, Máté Kocsis wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Following Nicolas' thread about "Issues with readonly classes" (
https://externals.io/message/118554), we created an RFC to fix two issues
with the readonly behavior:https://wiki.php.net/rfc/readonly_amendments

Please let us know your thoughts!


Hi Máté,

I'm not totally clear what this sentence is saying:

> Reinitialization can only take place /during/ the |__clone()| magic method call, no matter if the actual assignment happens in a different method or function invoked inside |__clone()|.

Are you saying that invoking a separate method like "setSomeProperty($blah)" from __clone() is allowed, or that it isn't? Perhaps a couple of extra examples could be added to this section demonstrating what would and wouldn't be allowed?


Rowan Tommins

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