
I'm wondering what happened to the planned release of PHP 4.4.3. The
original release date (May 30th) has long passed and I haven't seen any
response to Pierre's recent questions about the status of the release.
From what I can see[1], no new release candidates were released either.
Are there any issues preventing this release from happening? If so, I
haven't seen them mentioned here.

Frankly, I find that kind of worrying. PHP 4.4.3 is supposed to fix a
number of security issues that were fixed in PHP 5 eight weeks ago. Many
of our users are still running on PHP 4 which means that they are all
vulnerable and can't do anything about it (usually because their hosting
services don't want to upgrade to PHP 5 for one reason or another).

PHP has been criticised a lot for its security issues in the past, but
it has gotten a lot better over the recent months, thanks to all of your
hard work. Please don't put that at risk by delaying what can only be
described as a critical security update.

If I may add: Sometimes, discussions on this list give the impression
that at least some of you would rather stop developing PHP 5 and move on
to PHP 6 ASAP. While I can understand how attractive this must be,
please don't forget that a lot of us out there in the "real world" are
still dealing with PHP 4, legacy code, and hosting services that don't
even want to upgrade to PHP 5 just yet for fear of breaking their
customer's applications.

So unless the proverbial killer application comes along that makes
everybody switch to PHP 5 by the end of the week, please take into
account that it's not looking like PHP 4 will go away anytime soon, as
much as you may want to leave it behind.

Please note that this is not meant as a "PHP sucks" or "PHP's security
sucks" comment. This is just a friendly reminder that there are people
out there that are still deploying applications that will have to run on
PHP 4 and a plea for not neglecting that part of your user base.

Thanks for your attention.

Dirk Haun
(Maintainer, Geeklog 1.x)

[1] We're one of the projects on the PhP4zy list; in fact, PHP 4.4.3RC1
is installed on the machine I'm posting this from.


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