On Sun, 6 May 2007, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:

> Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
> > IMHO one good reason to start a new branch for 5.x would be the ability to
> > get rid off register_globals and magic_quotes in the 5 series without having
> > to wait for PHP6 to come around.
> What would be the goal of that? Making it less painful to migrate to PHP 6.x
> since they already face similar pain when staying in the active 5.x branch?

Well, as you know some developers do not really care about PHP 6 and 
just leave it lying around without the proper merged from stuff that are 
put in PHP_5_2 at the moment. IMO this is just another attempt to stall 
PHP 6 developed (and adoption). 

I would be against merging those two things back to PHP_5_2. There is no 
compelling reason to do so.

However, something that *is* a good reason is some lower level engine 
stuff that people will actually benefit from.


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