Stefan Priebsch wrote:
> Gregory Beaver schrieb:
>> Correction: the *installation* process for PEAR will have to be reverted
>> to the way it worked in PHP 4.  PEAR is unaffected by these changes.
> Which, from the end user's viewpoint, makes PEAR useless because they
> cannot install PEAR in the first place. That's what I meant.
What?  PEAR has been distributed successfully with PHP since version
4.3.  From the end user's viewpoint, there is no difference. 
go-pear.bat = go-pear.bat on windows, "make install-pear" = "make
install-pear" on unix.  The difference is in terms of the maintainers of
PEAR, who will have to do a lot more work in order to synchronize new
releases of PEAR than we do now.
>> There are other changes that affect PEAR, which is why we are moving all
>> packages to PHP 5+ currently.
> Could you please elaborate on that a little more?
Not in this mailing list please.  You are welcome to search the archives
of pear-core and pear-dev, there has been a lot of discussion of PHP 5
and PEAR.


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