Hello Lars,

  thanks for doing the work. I'll apply the patch during next week. And yes
you should emit deprecation messages for use of INI settings that are going
to be dropped in 6.0.


Saturday, February 16, 2008, 2:14:54 AM, you wrote:

> Hi all,

> I've heard that E_DEPRECATED is still missing nevertheless its
> introduction is planned for 5.3. So I've wrote it [1] based on a
> slightly outdated patch by Felipe. The patch is so far complete, as far
> as I can tell, but one thing I'm wondering about is whether we should
> trigger E_DEPRECATED warnings if the related ini-settings are present
> (magic_quotes_gpc, magic_quotes_runtime, register_globals). I would say
> yes, but I need some advice where to do that.

> For the docs team: I've added links in the E_DEPRECATED messages to
> http://php.net/{migrate}#<deprecated func>. The "{migrate}"-part can
> later be easily replaced once the appendix to the migration guide which
> explains how to deal with this deprecations is set up.

> [1] http://lars.schokokeks.org/php/e_deprecated-2.diff

> cu, Lars

Best regards,

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