On 16.02.2008, at 02:14, Lars Strojny wrote:

I've heard that E_DEPRECATED is still missing nevertheless its
introduction is planned for 5.3. So I've wrote it [1] based on a
slightly outdated patch by Felipe. The patch is so far complete, as far


as I can tell, but one thing I'm wondering about is whether we should
trigger E_DEPRECATED warnings if the related ini-settings are present
(magic_quotes_gpc, magic_quotes_runtime, register_globals). I would say
yes, but I need some advice where to do that.

like others have said .. yes .. these should emit deprecated warnings.

For the docs team: I've added links in the E_DEPRECATED messages to
http://php.net/{migrate}#<deprecated func>. The "{migrate}"-part can
later be easily replaced once the appendix to the migration guide which
explains how to deal with this deprecations is set up.

very cool!

 »Aber das Verhältnis von Leben und Produktion, das jenes
  real herabsetzt zur ephemeren Erscheinung von dieser, ist


please do follow the mailinglist rules and keep your signature to 2 lines max:

in that context i would like to also remind people that they could be doing a better job at quoting. this is not about perfection (which is probably hard to define on this anyways), but just try to remember that a few seconds of effort will save a couple thousand people at least as many seconds.

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