On 9/29/08, Stefan Walk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > So as prevoius speaker suggested, and I personaly got to conclusion in
>  > other thread that ":" is ideal. Short, isn't taken.
> $a = $b?A:B:C:D;

It's only a problem when you use fully qualified names inside a
ternary operation, and can easily be fixed with parenthesis in this
particular case, so it still looks much better than the current
situation to me, and I'm pretty sure everyone would agree on using ":"
as a separator if it weren't from that small glitch.

The use of parenthesis is not that big a deal if it's restricted to
ternary operator uses, there are some places already where you're
forced to use them for disambiguation.

We could also keep ::foo() as the way to address the global namespace,
which might allow $a ? ::foo() : ::bar() without parenthesis ? I don't
know enough about the parser to say though.


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