On Tue, 2010-11-23 at 10:51 +0100, Stefan Marr wrote:
> On 23 Nov 2010, at 02:30, Felipe Pena wrote:
> > - Traits may not be ready yet for pre-release
> >   - see http://svn.php.net/viewvc?view=revision&revision=298348
> The listed todos where:
>  - Reflection API
> That was implemented by Johannes as far as I remember.

That is not 100% complete. I had an issue with Aliases and finding the
original declaration or such. Will be done before we reach beta.

>  - support for traits for internal classes
>    - currently destroy_zend_class does not handle that case 
> For support of internal classes was no clear interest yet, so it never
> got done.
> Is that a show stopper? 

Can Traits be declared internally and the issue is only about using
them? I think we can live without using traits for internal classes
easily (as we can already do that by aliasing the methods
internally ;-) )

Being able to provide traits might be interesting, but I don't see it as
high priority task.


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