2011/6/16 Pascal COURTOIS <pascal.court...@nouvo.com>:

>  I know. I also have a GPL project. Nonetheless some societies use it,
> and some people rely on it to get paid. I have absolutely no legal contract
> with anyone but I have a moral contract and when I'm signaled a bug, it is 
> mostly
> fixed within few hours. I just can't imagine replying to a bug submission
> "Hey guy, its a free project. Why don't you fix it yourself ?"
> My conscience tells me to not release a program if people using it can
> shoot themself in the foot.

It is not what Johannes said and we do fix bugs every single day. What
Johannes said is that we can't force a volunteer to do something
specific instead of what he wants to do.

It is also totally off topic btw.


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