Hi Internals,

here is a short update on the current status of the
git migration.

 - php-src will be migrated after PHP 5.4 final
   Stas wants to have PHP 5.4 final out before we migrate
   the repository to not have problems with the release.
   Expect the php-src migration in 14-21 days after 5.4 final.

 - http://git.php.net is up and running
   We setup the server. Thanks to gwynne, derick, conf, mgdm, druid
   helping me with that.

 - old git mirrors are down
   the old server was shut down. mirrors have not been setup so far.

 - systems/ and web/ are going to be migrated in the next days
   systems is already migrated and commits to the systems/ directory
   in SVN is disabled. We are slowly migrating the cronjobs on the boxes.
   web will follow right after systems is done.

 - playground
   Feel free to play around with the playground.git repository at
   http://git.php.net. Please note that the push url is different
   from the unathorized pull url. THis will be fixed soon (hopefully).
   Everyone with an SVN account should be able to push to that

 - feedback
   feedback, bugs, etc always welcome. just send me a mail or poke
   me in IRC.


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