On 2011-12-29, David Soria Parra <d...@php.net> wrote:
> here is a short update on the current status of the
> git migration.

Thanks for all the ground work you're doing making this happen!

>  - php-src will be migrated after PHP 5.4 final
>    Stas wants to have PHP 5.4 final out before we migrate
>    the repository to not have problems with the release.
>    Expect the php-src migration in 14-21 days after 5.4 final.
>  - http://git.php.net is up and running
>    We setup the server. Thanks to gwynne, derick, conf, mgdm, druid
>    helping me with that.
>  - old git mirrors are down
>    the old server was shut down. mirrors have not been setup so far.
>  - systems/ and web/ are going to be migrated in the next days
>    systems is already migrated and commits to the systems/ directory
>    in SVN is disabled. We are slowly migrating the cronjobs on the boxes.
>    web will follow right after systems is done.
>  - playground
>    Feel free to play around with the playground.git repository at
>    http://git.php.net. Please note that the push url is different
>    from the unathorized pull url. THis will be fixed soon (hopefully).
>    Everyone with an SVN account should be able to push to that
>    repository.
>  - feedback
>    feedback, bugs, etc always welcome. just send me a mail or poke
>    me in IRC.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Project Lead            | matt...@zend.com
Zend Framework          | http://framework.zend.com/
PGP key: http://framework.zend.com/zf-matthew-pgp-key.asc

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