On Wed, February 22, 2012 8:57 am, Michael Morris wrote:
> Before writing up a full RFC I want to put out a feeler on something.
> Currently we have several input parameter objects, chief among them
> $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_SERVER (for the client HTTP headers).  All
> of them are arrays and legacy code sometimes writes to them.  Locking
> them as read only objects would cause a major BC break.
> What if instead we had an Object called $_PARAMETERS which holds the
> read only copies of this data.  In addition, this would be the first
> superglobal object, able to perform some filtering of inputs.  Basic
> idea..
> ->get
> ->post
> ->cookie
> ->headers (The client http headers)
> All of these would be array objects, and all would be read only and
> have these methods and properties
> ->filtered: Copy of the array according to the current set filters of
> the object.
> ->setFilters(): Sets the filters of the input, an array with constant
> values for the allowed types.
> And I'll stop there.  The basic idea, to add a read only input hive
> with some basic object functionality for filtering.

I can see how you would want this, but it seems to me that you can
code this easily enough in PHP, with a singleton class with private
read-only properties that initialize to the various $_XXX values, and
a filter method that employs PHP FILTER.

Personally, I think introducing a whole new feature to be maintained
and documented to save defining a couple simple classes and a page of
code is not a "win".

brain cancer update:

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