On Wed, February 22, 2012 9:10 am, Michael Morris wrote:
> $_REQUEST does nothing of the sort, and it's use is dangerous in
> RESTful architecture.  $_REQUEST is a smash together of $_GET, $_POST
> and $_COOKIE, in that order but the php.ini directive can change it.
> Hence there's no way of knowing if $_REQUEST['password'] came from
> $_COOKIE, $_POST, or $_GET, and worse, if two values in those source
> arrays have the same key $_REQUEST will overwrite them.  $_REQUEST to
> be honest, is a lame shortcut and bad idea almost on par with
> register_globals.

Given that all three of $_GET $_POST and $_COOKIE are equally suspect
from a security POV, and you shouldn't really *care* which way the
client delivered the value, or at least not rely on it for anything
useful, I've never understood the resistance to using $_REQUEST.

Yes, GET should be idempotent, but there are many APIs and functions
in a large app that are idempotent by nature, and having a REST that
just doesn't care how the data comes in allows the consumer of the
service to use whatever they prefer.

If your entire REST service is read-only, such as an RSS feed, why not
allow GET or POST (or, silly as it may be COOKIE) and just use

brain cancer update:

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