On Fri, February 24, 2012 4:16 pm, Larry Garfield wrote:
> On 2/24/12 3:28 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:
> Because GET and POST are not even remotely the same thing and treating
> them as completely interchangeable is a bug in the first place.

We'll have to agree to disagree here.

To me, it's just a request for some content, and in a REST API that's
read-only, I just don't care if the consumer sends their request as
GET or POST.  I'll cheerfully give them what they wanted.

> It is
> in fact legal to have both in the same request.  Then what do you do?

Option A) Don't use REQUEST if you need both
Option B) The GPC ordering is quite specific and reliable

> The idea of having a real request object in PHP is a good one;

I'm not even seeing why turning the independent arrays into an object
is a Good Idea, so have chopped the rest off.

But I certainly agree that researching the PHP code "out there" is a
Good Idea to compare to the RFC to see what's missing / wrong, if one
wants to continue down the path.

brain cancer update:

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